
Links & Downloads

Buy the above small books for $0.99 (ninety nine cents) each on Amazon and read them on Kindle. If you don't have Kindle, you can download it for free on almost any device or computer. If you want excruciating detail, download the documents below. You will find an evolution of my thinking from semi-classical to full General Relativity, but no quantum mechanics.

Warning! This is Rogue Physics. It may seem to be totally conventional but the ideas and the math are not peer reviewed. They are the free range wanderings of a working class physicist who likes to play around and see where absurd assumptions can lead. Here you will learn that a photon can be a black hole, the Big Bang is an illusion, the Universe is holographic, and that there is another form for the hypercube - just to mention a few.

A Word About Rogue Physics

This document contains a heavy dose of math, relativity, speculation. It covers all aspects of my redshift work up to 2009. This includes correlation with Type 1A supernova data and light propagation model as a metric.

This is a more elementary and earlier version of my formative redshift work, with a semi-classical derivation of what would become a light propagation model