Noteworthy News
Shades of the Ultraviolet Catastrophe that led to Quantum Mechanics. Check out this YouTube video by PBS Space Time. "If vacuum energy really does have the enormous value predicted by quantum field theory then our gently expanding, geometrically flat universe shouldn't exist. This is the vacuum catastrophe."
Dark Matter keeps not showing up. "Now, the researchers unexpectedly find that in the early universe, dark matter played a much smaller role in galaxies than previously thought. The scientists detailed their findings in the March 16 issue of the journal Nature."
Another problem for the Big Bang. "What is really surprising is that the galaxies we find are much more numerous than people assumed, and they have a puzzling diversity," Sobral said. "When telescopes like the James Webb Space Telescope are up and running, we will be able to take a closer look at these intriguing objects." Not only are there too many galaxies but they seem too old and out of place compared to their supposed proximity to the Big Bang.
Double Hubble Trouble. Two conflicting measurements of the famous constant may mean that The Hubble Constant is not constant even though this video doesn't consider that possibility.